Call for Consultancy: Final external evaluation


Aleanca LGBT is currently recruiting an experienced evaluation expert with proven experience in assessing human rights projects, including projects supporting and promoting LGBTI+ rights and/or women’s rights.

The consultant will evaluate the implementation of the project “Advancing social inclusion of LBT women through increased access to community based and integrated social services and by promoting models of inclusive practices”, which specifically aimed at supporting the extension of affirmative social care services for LBT women and non-binary people and their social inclusion through the promotion and implementation of models of joint case management, social enterprises, and housing.

The evaluation report should include an assessment of the project impact, potential sustainability, as well as propose operational and strategic recommendations to Aleanca LGBT and its partners for them to improve the implementation and impact of current and future projects with similar objectives in Albania.

Applications should consist of the following:

  • A letter describing your experience and its adequacy with the mission (2 pages maximum, including the contact details of 3 references).
  • An updated CV including links to similar work done and skills to speak, write and read in English and in Albanian.
  • A detailed financial and technical proposal on the proposed evaluation.

Please refer to the Terms of References for this evaluation at the link below, and make sure to send your application and financial offer by May 5th  2024 (5pm) to ; with the email subject : “Advancing social inclusion of LBT women through increased access to community based and integrated social services and by promoting models of inclusive practices” Evaluation (and your name).

Terms of Reference